Spot AI
Instant upload
Highlight Tagging
Ad Detection

Automated Video Production

Support for various video scenarios, from sports highlights for teams and leagues to fully automated SOT for news media and SCTE-35 ad break detection. Spot is designed for the future of media automation.

Automatic Video Clipping

Automatically edit your videos to save time and increase efficiency. Our auto-editing tool detects key moments based on your settings and creates clips, ensuring the most important parts of your content are captured.

AI-Powered Metadata Generation

Automatically generate detailed titles, descriptions, tags, and more for your videos, gradually automating the upload process.

Instant Live Stream Transcription

Automatically generate CC subtitle files for your videos to quickly reach a diverse audience, with an option to display them directly in the video.

Advanced Search

Find exactly what you need with our advanced search tools.

AI Content Tagging

AI will recognize key events in your videos and automatically tag your content, reducing manual tagging time and increasing production efficiency.

AI-Powered Video Recognition

Simplify your workflow through automated recognition processes, making content management and retrieval more efficient. AI watches the video for you, automatically recognizing content, adding tags and transcripts, and easily archiving videos perfectly, significantly saving time and labor.

Auto-gen Thumbnail

Automatically generate thumbnail from the metadata for your videos.