Quickly understand the value Spot can bring to clients


【成功案例】中華民國排球協會:從 7K 到 178K 觀看次數:中華民國排球協會如何透過 Spot 掀起排球熱潮

中華民國排球協會(CTVBA)與 Spot 的成功合作,讓 Instagram Reels 觀看次數增長 239%,YouTube 訂閱數在 2024 台中銀行福爾摩沙女排俱樂部邀請賽期間成長 31.88%。
3 min read

【Feature Release】Spot Revolutionizes Live Streaming with Vertical Integration, Perfect for Modern Social Media

Spot introduces a cutting-edge vertical streaming solution, merging smartphone convenience with CG graphics for high-quality broadcasts. Ideal for sports and media, it supports simultaneous vertical and horizontal streaming, enhancing engagement on platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

【News】Real Madrid x Spot

Spot has been selected as one of the top 7 startups in Asia to partner with Real Madrid C.F., with a 0.8% acceptance rate! (over 800+ startups applied)!
3 min read

【成功案例】香港金牛與 Spot 合作:提供即時賽事精華,開創社群媒體新紀元

香港金牛與 Spot 合作,通過引入高效的雲端影音工作站,提升了社群媒體策略的多元性。這次合作大大增強了他們的線上存在感和粉絲參與度。Spot 幫助金牛隊即時生成和分享賽事精華,並顯著減少了對人力的需求。這種創新解決方案使香港金牛能夠提供即時、高品質的內容,為吸引並擴大粉絲建立強大的基礎。
2 min read

【成功案例】味全龍 AI 賦能,五個月流量成長 560 萬

味全龍用 Spot AI 直播工作站,在相同人力下,直播量能提升 700%,影音數量提升 77%,影片流量提升 47%,朔造新媒體經營的典範!
3 min read

【產業觀察】緯來電視網:攜手 Spot 打造短影音霸主

緯來電視台導入 Spot 影音工作站,結合旗下 NBA 美國職籃、MLB 美國職棒、CPBL 中華職棒、T1 職籃等知名內容,搶攻社群短影音,帶動頻道與社群流量成長!
3 min read

【Customer Success】UDN Uses Spot Live Workstation to Instantly Increase Traffic by 95%

UDN Entertainment Center's seamless operation, from easy mobile live streaming to instant video editing and AI-assisted transformation, instantly increased media platform traffic by 95%.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Tainan TSG GhostHawks: A Success Story of New Media Growth

Tainan TSG GhostHawks use Spot video workstation, during the Winter League, subscription numbers soared over 20,000, and viewership grew by 35%, successfully building the brand through the new media platform.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Fubon Financial AI Empowering ESG: The Success Story of Taipei Marathon

Taipei Marathon uses Spot to automatically produce finish line videos with AI. Within 15 minutes after the event, 8,069 videos were produced, ultimately increasing the Run For Green tree adoption rate by five times!
3 min read

【Industry Insight】ETtoday, SETN, TVBS Channel Traffic Analysis - The Long Tail Effect

In an era of continuous digital technology advancement, the way new media content is delivered is entirely different from the past. Spot's AI video workstation helps these traditional media transform, creating a long tail effect.
2 min read

【成功案例】中華民國排球協會:從 7K 到 178K 觀看次數:中華民國排球協會如何透過 Spot 掀起排球熱潮

中華民國排球協會(CTVBA)與 Spot 的成功合作,讓 Instagram Reels 觀看次數增長 239%,YouTube 訂閱數在 2024 台中銀行福爾摩沙女排俱樂部邀請賽期間成長 31.88%。
3 min read

【News】Real Madrid x Spot

Spot has been selected as one of the top 7 startups in Asia to partner with Real Madrid C.F., with a 0.8% acceptance rate! (over 800+ startups applied)!
3 min read

【成功案例】香港金牛與 Spot 合作:提供即時賽事精華,開創社群媒體新紀元

香港金牛與 Spot 合作,通過引入高效的雲端影音工作站,提升了社群媒體策略的多元性。這次合作大大增強了他們的線上存在感和粉絲參與度。Spot 幫助金牛隊即時生成和分享賽事精華,並顯著減少了對人力的需求。這種創新解決方案使香港金牛能夠提供即時、高品質的內容,為吸引並擴大粉絲建立強大的基礎。
2 min read

【成功案例】味全龍 AI 賦能,五個月流量成長 560 萬

味全龍用 Spot AI 直播工作站,在相同人力下,直播量能提升 700%,影音數量提升 77%,影片流量提升 47%,朔造新媒體經營的典範!
3 min read

【Customer Success】UDN Uses Spot Live Workstation to Instantly Increase Traffic by 95%

UDN Entertainment Center's seamless operation, from easy mobile live streaming to instant video editing and AI-assisted transformation, instantly increased media platform traffic by 95%.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Tainan TSG GhostHawks: A Success Story of New Media Growth

Tainan TSG GhostHawks use Spot video workstation, during the Winter League, subscription numbers soared over 20,000, and viewership grew by 35%, successfully building the brand through the new media platform.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Fubon Financial AI Empowering ESG: The Success Story of Taipei Marathon

Taipei Marathon uses Spot to automatically produce finish line videos with AI. Within 15 minutes after the event, 8,069 videos were produced, ultimately increasing the Run For Green tree adoption rate by five times!
3 min read

【Customer Success】The Most Beautiful THANK YOU, See How CTBC Brothers Deeply Interact with Fans

CTBC Brothers use Spot AI video workstation, creating touching videos within 15 minutes, achieving 55,000 views and 150 interactive comments, deeply interacting with fans.
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews: Successful Presidential Debate Case

NOWnews uses Spot to instantly fragment the presidential debate, utilizing AI transcription, AI keyword recommendations, and instant editing to publish 21 short videos, ultimately achieving 140,000 views.
3 min read

【Customer Success】How to Create Massive Exposure for Live Events?

Spot injects technological power into event live streaming, enhancing the viewing experience through AI-generated live subtitles. The quick edit and publishing system can instantly produce and publish short videos to major social media platforms, significantly improving video production efficiency and event exposure. Reporters can conveniently access videos and transcripts in real-time, further enhancing media coverage effectiveness.
3 min read

【成功案例】PLG:1.7 億流量的新媒體經營成功策略

P.LEAGUE 透過 Spot 影音工作站,提升聯盟與球團工作效率,一次解決線上直播、社群行銷、賽務裁判與廣告曝光等痛點,在影音世代找到新媒體經營的成功之道,創造 1.7 億流量和 30 萬訂閱的好成績!
3 min read

【Customer Success】P.LEAGUE+: The Secret Weapon for Explosive Growth

Spot officially became PLG’s official streaming technology partner, providing cloud technology for various commercial monetization scenarios, helping PLG establish a foundation in the video era. Online live streaming integrates real-time image processing technology into streaming, driving PLG’s commercial exposure growth with streaming and short video technology.
3 min read

【成功案例】NOWnews今日新聞:流量成長 1,800 萬的影音戰略

NOWnews今日新聞使用 Spot 影音工作站,擺脫人力和硬體限制,突破成長瓶頸,每月多發布 170 支影片,最終帶來 1,800 萬的觀看流量提升,同期 2 倍的爆發成長!
3 min read

【Customer Success】How MOMOTV Transformed with AI

MOMOTV's collaboration with Spot perfectly demonstrates how to utilize advanced technology to enhance video content production efficiency and viewer experience, significantly increasing live stream traffic and channel traffic.
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews AI Transformation, Breaking Free from Equipment and Manpower Constraints

Spot live workstation provides NOWnews with an all-in-one platform, offering viewers more timely and diverse video content, which is precisely the innovation and efficiency that modern media needs.
3 min read

【成功案例】MOMOTV:攜手 AI 新創年度流量增長 191%

MOMOTV 使用 Spot 影音工作站,導入 AI 科技為傳統電視台帶來革命性變革,建立一個流量成長飛輪,輕鬆達成年度流量 YoY 191% 增長率!
3 min read

【Customer Success】Innovative Vision: Why Mirror News Introduced Spot's AI Video Workstation?

Facing the demands and efficiency challenges of new media, Mirror News introduced Spot, an AI video workstation designed for new media. AI simplifies production processes, speeds up publishing, reduces costs, and frees up manpower, successfully applying AI technology for tremendous success.
4 min read

【成功案例】鏡新聞:Spot 助力總統大選 17 路同時直播

鏡新聞使用 Spot 影音工作站,透過雲端中控系統,擺脫設備和人力限制,在總統大選期間,輕鬆完成同時 17 路直播,帶動新媒體流量成長!
3 min read

【Customer Success】Mirror News: Successful Presidential Debate Case

Mirror News uses Spot to easily manage presidential debates and policy presentations, utilizing AI transcription, AI keyword recommendations, and instant video editing, publishing 15 short videos in real-time and capturing instant traffic during the election.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Mirror News AI Transformation, The Secret to 590,000 Live Stream Views

Mirror News uses Spot AI live workstation to effortlessly manage boxing live streams, bringing in 590,000 views and producing 12 short videos in real-time, setting a new benchmark for new media management.
3 min read

【Customer Success】The Highlights You See Are Automatically Generated by Black Technology! Why Are PLG's IG Short Videos So Fast?

In the first 30 online broadcasts of the first half of the season, the total viewership reached 14.8 million, an increase of over 100% compared to the same period last year! With such significant growth, have you ever wondered why a good play in a LIVE broadcast appears on PLG's official IG in just a few minutes, with multiple angle replays? How is it possible to be so fast?
2 min read

【Customer Success】KKTIX's First Live Broadcast of HBL, Combining Short Videos to Enhance Views and Ticket Rates

To enhance fans' quality game experience, interactive cheering creates a fun-filled HBL online live experience, improving the overall event.
1 min read

【Feature Release】From One Year to 30 Seconds: How AI Video Workstation Revolutionizes Video Editing Speed

The AI video workstation revolutionizes video editing speed, allowing the creation of a basketball star's three-point highlights in just 30 seconds, overturning traditional production methods, improving efficiency, and showcasing the potential of AI technology. New media companies that embrace change early will succeed in the video era.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Wei Chuan Dragons YouTube Explosive Growth Magic

Spot collaborates with the baseball team Wei Chuan Dragons in short video marketing, establishing streaming infrastructure, introducing new exclusive content operation models, assisting Wei Chuan Dragons in laying a foundation in the video era. Real-time image processing technology (capture, tagging, recognition, automatic editing) is integrated into streaming, driving Wei Chuan Dragons' commercial exposure growth with streaming and short video technology.
2 min read

【Customer Success】CTI News: Successful AI New Media Growth Case

CTI News uses Spot to instantly fragment content during the presidential election, utilizing AI transcription, AI keyword recommendations, and instant video editing, reducing video publishing to under 5 minutes, instantly meeting viewers' viewing needs!
3 min read

【Customer Success】DAAI TV: Introducing AI Fully Automatic News SOT Editing

DAAI TV introduces Spot AI fully automatic news SOT editing, fragmenting daily news broadcasts, instantly publishing 30 SOTs, saving the team 100 minutes of work time daily, maximizing manpower value!
3 min read


CTBC Brothers use Spot video workstation, bringing revolutionary changes to Taiwanese professional baseball, increasing video production efficiency with technology, producing up to 5,000 videos, driving social media traffic across platforms, creating over 42 million views, and generating substantial commercial revenue for the team!
3 min read

【Customer Success】How Challenge Taiwan Provides Highlights for 6,000 Triathletes?

Spot collaborates with Taiwan's famous triathlon event CHALLENGE Taiwan, aiming to use the fastest and most efficient method to apply the Highlight technology initially used for team events to every participant in the triathlon. The goal is to test the payment status and response of Highlights in the direct-to-consumer market.
2 min read

【Customer Success】🔥 Customer Success is Spot's Success, Creating Tenfold Value Together 🔥

In 2023, news media and sports industry professionals produced 40,000 various types of videos through Spot!
1 min read

【產業觀察】緯來電視網:攜手 Spot 打造短影音霸主

緯來電視台導入 Spot 影音工作站,結合旗下 NBA 美國職籃、MLB 美國職棒、CPBL 中華職棒、T1 職籃等知名內容,搶攻社群短影音,帶動頻道與社群流量成長!
3 min read

【Industry Insight】ETtoday, SETN, TVBS Channel Traffic Analysis - The Long Tail Effect

In an era of continuous digital technology advancement, the way new media content is delivered is entirely different from the past. Spot's AI video workstation helps these traditional media transform, creating a long tail effect.
2 min read

【產業觀察】泛科學:媒體轉型的 AI 落地應用

PanSci introduces Spot video workstation, using AI transcription, AI keyword recommendations, and instant video editing to improve team efficiency. Combining live streaming and short videos, it boosts channel traffic growth with the goal of establishing a new media business model and realizing the vision of a knowledge-based influencer alliance!
3 min read

【產業觀察】LINETV:攜手 AI 新創增長直播廣告收入

LINETV 導入 Spot 直播工作站,解決直播廣告變現和即時短影音的痛點,目標提升公司整體收益,包含廣告收入增長、OTT 訂閱數增長和社群流量增長!
3 min read


DAZN introduces Spot video workstation, establishing new media short video workflows to improve daily efficiency. The goal is to break social media algorithms through a large volume of short videos, driving DAZN platform subscription growth!
3 min read

【Product Update】Future Showdown: Full Cloud Production vs. Traditional Production

Full cloud production is transforming the new media industry, offering greater flexibility and efficiency. Spot's full cloud production capabilities allow new media to produce high-quality live broadcasts anytime, anywhere, without worrying about hardware limitations, and quickly generate engaging video content, greatly enhancing content creation speed and efficiency.
4 min read

【Industry Insight】The Role of AI Tools in Traffic Improvement - Analysis of International Success Stories

In the news media industry, live news has become an important means of communication. Many internationally renowned news media, such as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and Sky News, have successfully used live news to increase their viewership. Here, we will analyze these success stories and explore the role of AI video production tools like Spot Video Engine.
2 min read

【Industry Insight】The Role of AI Video Production Tools in the Rise of Short Video Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Media Industry

The rise of short video platforms presents challenges and opportunities for the new media industry. AI video production tools like Spot Video Engine can enhance video production efficiency, quickly generating engaging short video content. Short video platforms are also important channels for new media to expand traffic, and the powerful capabilities of AI video production tools can help new media produce valuable and differentiated content.
3 min read

【Feature Release】Spot Revolutionizes Live Streaming with Vertical Integration, Perfect for Modern Social Media

Spot introduces a cutting-edge vertical streaming solution, merging smartphone convenience with CG graphics for high-quality broadcasts. Ideal for sports and media, it supports simultaneous vertical and horizontal streaming, enhancing engagement on platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

【Feature Release】The Secret Weapon for Enhancing Video Production Efficiency - Spot AI Auto Transcription

Spot AI video production tool features powerful automatic captioning, bringing unparalleled convenience and value whether during live broadcasts or subsequent video content management. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your video production efficiency, Spot AI video production tool could be your answer.
2 min read

【Feature Release】Spot’s Recommended Mobile Live Streaming App - Larix

In the era of multi-device video, converting between vertical and horizontal videos is often a challenge for content creators. Spot live workstation offers a solution, allowing simultaneous recording of graphics and clean footage during live streaming, with one-click switching to ensure clear visuals and enhance viewer experience.
3 min read

【Feature Release】Seamless Vertical and Horizontal Video Conversion! No More Limitations!

In the era of multi-device video, converting between vertical and horizontal videos is often a challenge for content creators. Spot live workstation offers a solution, allowing simultaneous recording of graphics and clean footage during live streaming, with one-click switching to ensure clear visuals and enhance viewer experience.
5 min read

【Feature Release】AI Fully Automatic News SOT Editing - A Revolutionary Breakthrough!

AI is rewriting the news media industry! AI technology breakthroughs make automatic news SOT editing possible. Through rapid identification of segmentation points, it saves time costs and improves accuracy. The news workflow is smoother, with quality assurance, enabling the news media industry to seize the convenience brought by AI and embrace the future.
3 min read



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